It feels like summer!

Woke up to see the old currant bun boasting away in the sky, wow doesn't it make you feel good!
Straight out to the garden and did about four hours of hard labour, knocking it back into shape, lots of potting and repotting, brightening up a neglected corner, heaving tubs around and loads of weeding. Mr P started the monotonous and painstaking job of repointing the paved area.
Took a few photographs of our handiwork and thought my blip was sorted for today.
After a late lunch I had a quick bath to soothe my aching body and drove into Ilkley to look for new plants. Instead of going the usual way I crossed the iron bridge and drove on the other side of the river and away from the town. Stopped near the cricket pitch and turned and looked up to the moor and took a quick shot of the stunning Cow and Calf rocks.
When I got home I looked at these shots and decided it just had to be this one, so the garden will have to wait.
I love seeing all the houses in Ilkey snuggling between all the trees below the moor.

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