Double trouble!!

Have also posted:

Monday: Are you sure I'm supposed to eat this?

Tuesday: Do it Yourself! 

Do hope you will take the time to have a look :-)

This poor Starling was being pestered constantly by his/her 2 offspring! So much so that they were not content to wait on the ground for him/her to bring the food ....... they were perched right next to the feeder shouting at him/her all the time! I bet he/she could do with a rest!!! I know I could do with a rest from their noise too!!! :-)

It has been such a beautiful day ....... hope this lovely sunny warm weather continues! We got a lot of jobs done in the garden today ..... for once it was a pleasure to be out there ...... & not all bundled up against the cold & wind!!! :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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