My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Over Cooked

This poor juvenile Magpie seemed to be feeling the effects of our warmest June day so far this year.   There were six water vessels (three bird baths, and three drinking bowls) within a few feet of him and after a few minutes he did fly to one for a long drink.  I did begin to wonder if he was OK, but after his drink he flew off into the walnut tree squawking and scolding me as if it was my fault he felt hot!!
A fabulously warm day and when I came home at 4.00pm I cut all the grass, neatened the edges, weeded a big flower border and cut back a young oak tree that has put on exceptional growth and made walking past it difficult.   A late dinner but a wonderful feeling of self satisfaction  and the garden looks good, even if I do say so myself!!

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