You're The Book That I Have Opened

Resolution no 38 in January was to read more. It's now almost half way through the year and I am on page 158. My Mr Benn bookmark is untroubled by the weight of pages on his poor wafer thin form. Its not that I dont like reading, quite the opposite, I just can't stay awake at night time and during the day I just can't bring myself to pick up a book when there's weeding to do, a dog to walk or sun to laze under. Shocking really. Must try harder.

Elsewhere, out in the real world, I heard this on the radio this morning and had to pull up before going into the underground car park and losing radio reception just so that I could hear it. So so good.

This book, by the way, is really very good.

Unfinished Sympathy, Massive Attack, 1991

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