Keep Calm and Swim On

By ciabella


If only everything in life was so symetric. While somethings are, like school and sports, many things in life aren't. With school, if you put in 110% and try your very hardest, you will get good grades and many rewards in your future. With sports, if you train your hardest, when it comes time for competing, you will most likely do well and win. But sometimes, maybe life being asymetric is what makes it so amazing and fun. You never know what will come out of certain things, and that is what makes life more interesting. If everything and everyone was symetric, what would we be like, what would we be doing with our lives? Sure there would be less prejudice and discrimination, but isn't that what makes our lives? Maybe they aren't great things, but if everyone was at the same level, where would we all be, low or high? Equal, yes. But equal in money and jobs. Not equal in our peronality and being. We need to learn that money isn't what makes us who we are, but what we choose to do with our lives, and who we really are inside.

I was at my dad's office today and I used the company's camera to take this picture.

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