Our back yard!

This morning started off quite lovely, a bit cooler than yesterday, but ideal gardening conditions, so we made the most of it. We managed to get both front and back lawns cut and edged, fed and watered all the containers and baskets, skimmed off all the pond weed and did a bit of weeding in the borders.

We sat on the patio a while, with a coffee, hub reading the paper whilst I caught up on my gardening and the National Trust magazines. I was sitting there admiring the garden, as you do, when you've put in a couple of hours work and thought it looked nice enough to share....hope I'm not being too self indulgent!

The breeze really came up and it clouded over around 1 ish so we went indoors for lunch, before I dashed off for an appointment at the beauticians. I made a quick meat bolognese sauce which I left bubbling away for dinner tonight.

Then we took a quick drive over towards Liverpool to drop off the washing liquid and fabric conditioner at Youngests and his wife.......he'd text to say could we pick him up at the station en route, save him walking home, which we did ;-)

We got back home around 8.......going to have a nice evening in, watching TV tonight.

Quiz outcome......well, someone on our team made a right boo boo on an answer worth double!!! Needless to say it was me (:-0), I wrote down the answer as it was something I knew, then proceeded to convince myself that the lyrics belonged to another Rod Stewart hit, and changed it to something else. Should have stuck with my gut instinct, those 4 points cost us the win.....we came second, Dohhh!

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