
By RadioGirl

The Emergence of Spurge

This is Wood Spurge, Latin name euphorbia.  I've never quite known whether this bright green plant was a weed or a cultivated species.  It's listed and described in an archived gardening page of the BBC website, so I guess it isn't wild.  Apparently it's a hardy plant and easy to look after, which is just as well without Dad's green-fingered knack for taking care of the garden.

The afternoon was so beautifully sunny that, as soon as I arrived, I took Mum out for a pot of tea and a large slice of banana, date and cherry cake at the local garden centre.  I think they make their cakes on the premises, and they're always both light and moist as well as tasting divine - no wonder the coffee shop there is so popular.

After heavily processing my image of the wine bottle label last night, today's picture has had no tweaking at all, other than using the camera's "Magic" setting on the pinhole effect.

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