
By Instography


Since the wind had died down and the sun was out there seemed to be no excuse for not tackling the overgrown garden. Except for the bikes. Fixes were need to the work bike and some prep for next week's jaunt on the tractor. That had to be done first. So I thought I'd take the front mudguard off and fix the crack sustained in the great crash. Except the bolt sheared so I had to drill the bugger out, praying that I still had some thread left to attach a new one. Success and the mudguard got its smear of epoxy in the crack (sounds like it would hurt a little) and two pop rivets where the originals had fallen out. Fixed the little bit of play in the headset. Tuned the brakes. Oiled the chain. The brakes on the tractor are completely gone so ordered new ones. Fitted the frame bag and that's that ready. 

And then there was a much needed trip to the shops for a new strimmer, some compost and an aquarium heater. Also some fixings for soup and, since it was a bargain, some beer.

And then the garden. Good progress was made. Beds were dug over. Spuds were planted. Some more spuds were found in the digging. It looks quite presentable now. Nearly.

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