Sunday Morning at the Lake

This morning was a bit of a re-run of last Sunday morning. I decided at the last minute to leap up, nag at Mr K to get up, get dressed, get the Little Misses dressed, make myself a cup of tea and drive at top speed to the lake.
It was lovely having them there to wave me off (thus distinguishing myself even more from all the proper swimmers and triathletes!!)
It was such a beautiful morning - so different to last week. I huffed and puffed my way round 750m again. Thankfully making it back without needing to be rescued.
The Little Misses were waiting for me as I stumbled out. Miss E marked the occasion by taking photos of my feet with her underwater camera!!
When I was dressed Miss E was desperate to get in. Normally I'd have let her go in in her knickers but - for the first time in years - she forgot to put knickers on this morning!
I had the brilliant plan of letting her wear my swimming costume and tying up the staps. She looked like a bag lady swimmer!!!!
A couple sat near us with their son offered her his wetsuit and goggles and she was giddy. She had that look of pure joy that she gets. Just wonderful.
She swam and splashed for ages and loved it.
Right up to the point where she turned blue and wanted to be warm and dry!
We had a lovely half hour at the climbing frame with the couple who had lent Miss E the gear. Outdoorsy sports people are always nice! I do feel a bit of a fraud though - like I'm a bit of a fake outdoorsy sports person!!!
From there we went to Bicester to water my mum's beautiful garden. They're off gallivanting in France and I thought I'd better do it as it's been so hot.
Unfortunately while we were there Miss L flushed the toilet and water started gushing out from underneath it. There was quite a flood by the time I got to the stop cock. Lots of wet towels and soggy feet. Yuck.
We went down to our hopefully-soon-to-be-old house and met Mrs S and Mr D who are buying it. They wanted to measure up. It's been ages since I showed them round originally and it was nice to see them again. They aren't fazed by anything and clearly love the house so I feel just a teeny bit more confident that it will go ahead. They are currently in a caravan on his mum's drive which is not ideal - they're desperate to get into our house. And they are going to chase the surveyor having had no idea that that's the only thing holding everything up.
Home for dinner, baths and bed.
A lovely day!

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