Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

The greatest magic show on earth

Samrat Shankar - the world's greatest magician(s). (Sr & Jr) had a lot to live up to during his well hyped series of Manali appearances. [Previous Blip]
By volume of appearing bunches of feather flowers and umbrellas, yards of materialised silk - or inches of gaudy, holographicaly endowed costume they could probably uphold a claim of world supremacy.

However - their boredom shone through as they wheeled through each 'new item' each accentuated by yet another floral embossed suit and cape - the latest always outdoing the last.. the humour fell on dumb western ears - so it could have been hilarious - although the rest of the audience seemed similarly immune from the laughing response expected. The dancing and lip sync was at best, almost attempted - but the show must go on - and on - and on after the interval where the altitude-inflated packs of crisps provided a momentary high.
Herald one of the top acts - sawing the lady in half. Here you see, with a flourish (a SLOW flourish) of his magical cape Samrat Shankar Sr uncovers the dismembered body of his wife - the cast poignantly hugging both halves as the curtain falls.
Such showmanship - be sure, having seen the ultimate, I'll be hard to persuade to ever see another magic show.. settle for 2nd best? Not likely.

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