Curves of Water

I have tried out various options for today's challenge which were pleasant enough but didn't excite me, ranging from shadows to ornaments to using the fish-eye.  As my son is still at home, we washed the cars together as it's much quicker with one on hose and one on soapy bucket and sponge.  We have one black car and one white which are, so I have been told, the worst colours for showing the dirt.

Cars washed I then asked son to pose with the hose and get curved patterns of water. So, with a bit of direction, we managed a variety of 'curves'.  I have put a few together in photoshop and inversed the colours to get this effect.

Poor Henry is back at the vet today.  He wasn't eating or drinking and has to have a drip to rehydrate him; he will also have some blood tests and a few other checks to see what his problem is.  I hope it's something that can be sorted out and is not a longer term issue. He is 9 years old now so I suppose of an age when things can start to go awry. I'll hear from the vet later today or tomorrow morning.

Henry Update:  Blood tests have shown no problems with kidneys, liver or pancreas - that's a relief.  Further test results tomorrow which may show virus or parasite, but the big problems are discounted (I hope).

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