Jumping the gun

How excited was I to see a new chair in my surgery this morning?! Absoflippinglutely ecstatic!!!!!

Sadly, the excitement soon faded when I realised it's another second hand chair, just slightly newer than the previous one.

I'd been prewarned that the coupling for the drill was different, so we would need to borrow one from another surgery until a new one arrives. Fair enough.

Not wanting to be a moaning Minnie, I told myself it was still better than the old one.

Then we came to use it.

Part of the tubing for the suction is missing, so we couldn't use the high volume suction tube. When the suction was used, it cut out every 20 seconds and had to be reset every time.

The new filter they sent didn't fit; on closer inspection the old filter was still in situ; well and truly wedged with all manner of kak, so much so, we had to call out an engineer to come and repair it. They were only here yesterday fitting it!

I don't understand how they have deemed it fit for purpose when they've obviously not serviced it prior to fitting, which would surely be the sensible thing to do?!

It certainly took the shine off my day, but hopefully once these little niggles are sorted, it will be a massive improvement on the last nightmare chair.

Watch this space....... :-0

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