Leveret in the Lane

I was out of the house at 4am this morning inspired to catch a glimpse of the hares on Bents Lane now that the fields have been mown.  Knowing what flighty characters they are I stopped at the end of the lane to set up the camera on the tripod and then stealthily made my progress towards the fields.  I was rewarded almost immediately with a hare munching in the first field  and decided to try and get closer.  It was then I caught a movement on the lane and there was a leveret.  I was trying to manoeuvre the camera into position without frightening him but he ran towards me!  It was then I spotted another one at the side of the lane.  They were obviously too young to be afraid of me so I stood very still and they ran round me and then played around literally feet away in front of me, magic!  I couldn't blip them playing because I didn't want to move and the camera was all set up for long distance, but thankfully this one stayed still for long enough for me to blip him/her before something spooked them and they disappeared into the bushes.  I could barely breathe!

More hare and leveret blips here!

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