
When I went to my Mum and Dad's today I made my bag as light as possible - just my book, purse and phone. I put my camera in and realised it was just too heavy! So before I went I took a few photos in the back yard. I came to the conclusion that the baskets look a bit bare, with basically one marigold in each! 

I got over to my folks' and they were out! The lady who is their carer told me they'd gone shopping and hadn't been expecting me. I'd told them I'd be going today but they'd forgotten. They thought I'd disappeared off the face of the Earth, and were subsequently mardy with me when they finally arrived.

I'd enjoyed sitting in their sunny garden while I waited for them, but enjoyed less the frosty atmosphere once they arrived! Oh well, such is life...

Inert - Lacking the ability or strength to move

            Lacking vigour


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