Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


An early start to travel the 60 miles on mostly single track roads to gather sheep for another farmer. As I like to call it contract gathering. Pip was an absolute star today. She had a brief moment of lunacy near the beginning but after that started to show her true colours as a useful working dog. She was keeping steady in behind the sheep and flanking them as needed. She even managed to bring back a lamb that had broken away from the mob. She worked hard all down the road keeping the sheep moving and together even when there were many other dogs whizzing and working around her she kept calm and continued on her task. She is by no means completely trained yet and there is still a way to go but is showing such wonderful potential finally and working just like her mother Shaw who is an excellent driving (keeping behind the sheep and moving them on) dog. It is so nice to see all our hard work and patience beginning to pay off! If you look closely in the picture you can see Pip ahead of her mum Shaw(red collie) calmly walking onto the sheep well away from me! Absolutely cracking views on the gather today but this photo means so much to me. Even the fact I could get the camera out and take it whilst Pip is working the sheep shows how relaxed I was about her. Also Breagh on the left and Shaw catching up behind!

14c 8.7 W sunshine

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