Moments in time

By Ali_tkdgirl

Shorn the sheep

The shearer came yesterday, a nice man called Dan not bad to look at either ;). He sheared all my sheep for me, and there was a surprise.... I had hired a ram in November, but he turned out to be duff seedless as no lambs  and no signs of lambs appeared, and the people I hired him from gave me my money back. But during the shearing, we discovered that one of the young ewes is pregnant! She must have caught at the very last moment before the ram went. If my calculations are correct she is due any day, but she looks like she will be about a week late, now it's a waiting game. I couldn't believe it, and my face was a picture. So this is a photo of the twins, my two youngest sheep, Blossom and Brombeere, one of which is pregnant. I think it's the one on the right, but I didn't go close enough to inspect them properly. Find it hard to tell them apart, they are almost identical.

Whilst I was out there, the cruise ship Venture sailed past, so I have added that as an extra blip

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