The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

My Canadian brother-in-law mentioned the word 'catastrophise' when we were over on holiday recently.

It would seem I am a serial catastrophiser. If you have been following the recent dull tale of how I was convinced I was about to be hung drawn and quartered when the DWP chap came to visit tomorrow, you will understand.

Today he rang me ..

'Do you care for your mother, 35 hours per week?' Yes (and the rest)

'Do you do any other paid work?' No

'That's fine - I needn't bother visiting - I'll send you a form to sign and return'

It seems I live to breathe another day ...

Here are Mama and Auntie fox .. I feel that Mama (at the back) was the top vixen, but in the past year has been usurped by Auntie.

They are often seen to be grooming each other - but as is always the way in fox communities they are constantly asserting their position in the group.

My extra photo is another argument today - this time over food.

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