would i...

...show you wood?

of course i would...

why wouldn't i? when wood is a perfectly decent subject...

not that there weren't other worthy things to blip... ladybug laura was surveying the damage to her weedy home - after yesterday's very violent hailstorm... 4 inches of rain fell in less than 2 hours practically demolishing everything in sight, including her weed hut... i thought that would be a tragic blip though - so passed

the rose bushes were nearly pulverized by that same storm... leaving only a handful remaining - perhaps one of those would've been a worthwhile shot...

the peach tree has lots of peach fuzz... however lost a boatload of its crop due to the magnitude of the storm... the ground is now littered with peach pit residue - not a pretty sight...

so that leaves wood... beautiful - aged - cracked - full of wisdom, for it's from a tree... wood! what could be more glorious than that? it appears to have an inner glow if you look closely... like it's holding a secret - perhaps it will whisper to you if you bend close... mostly i think it imparts to us the long standing knowledge to stay true to yourself - stand firm no matter what - regardless your imperfections or cracks... do your best and you'll have an inner glow as well - leading to...


happy day.....

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