chasing butterflies...

...through the flowers

then i stopped... began to sweet talk it - figuring the lull of my voice - the cadence - would have it coming to me in no time... know what? it worked... within moments, this flitting critter was twirling about my hands and arms - finally settling upon the nearby flowers... then stayed put for several minutes while i joyously clicked away - murmuring to it the entire time... about how beautiful it was - its color strong, vibrant, sure... how stunning its wings appeared when fully open - and every time, i kid you not, she'd flutter those wings a tad more so i could enjoy their glorious sight...

to me - butterflies seem so magical and light - affirming in a way... they flutter about giving hope with all their varied markings - colors - depth of shading... it's pure enjoyment to take a simple moment to enjoy them and their lightness of being - a creation only by our creator, for us alone... one i needed after a trying, stressful day... it was a surprise package - that made for...


happy day.....

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