
By Bexiclaire

If one was to have a dinner party...

Who would your 5 guests be? Dead or Alive! Fictional or real!
1. Marilyn - she is my ultimate guest, I adore her. Everything about her, its because of her I got into photography. I have two custom prints of her in my room, this new generous addition, also a pink version on a vinyl which was once a clock but unfortunately the hands fell off.... But looks fab as an artwork! Both handmade, I'm privilaged to have such art in my haven of a room.
2. The Genie from Aladdin (complete with voice of Robin Williams) - For entertainment of course, he can sing 'friend like me' anytime of the day.
3. Jon Bon Jovi - My vanity card here, yes I am aware he's old enough to be my father, but he's a babe!!
4. Horst. P. Horst - he was an amazing and inspiring phootgrapher, and he knew lots of famous people, easily a networker for my hopeful future.
5. The Brothers Grimm - cheating although I may be here... They count as one for me. Why? Because their stories are fantastic, it was a difficult call between these or Mr Walt Disney, but I'm having to go for the originals!

Who would your 5 be? And why?

Tatty Bye :) x

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