Bowood 2015 #27 (Wednesday 3rd June)

I've been getting to know the superzoom Coolpix by using it almost exclusively over the last week or two since I've had it and am getting to know its strengths and weaknesses. Its main strength is the incredible zoom, enabling shots I could not get by any other means, and its weakness is the small sensor size where one can quickly and disappointingly lose detail. Some pictures that look great on the back of the camera or an iPad screen don't look so impressive on a large computer screen, so my DSLR Pentaxes aren't redundant yet.

On this visit to Bowood I walked through the Pinetum down to Bowood Lake and on to the Hermit's Cave and Doric Temple. I sat down in the cave for some reading time and browsed on my iPad. I noticed a goose family crossing the lake and coming ashore, the first goslings I had seen this year, and with a swan gliding nearby. I took some pictures from the cave and then walked over to them to get a closer view, including this one. I also spotted a solitary hare a long distance away.

12.6.2015 (1102 hr)

Blip #1595 (#1845 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #003
Day #1897
LOTD #829 (#950 including archived blips)

Bowood 2015 series
Bowood series
Bowood 2013-2015 (Flickr collection)(Work in progress)
Geese series
Outdoor Places I Have Sat In series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
FFS - Johnny Delusional
"Some might find me borderline attractive from afar..."
I think we have all been Johnny Delusional at some time or another. Heard this on the car radio driving over to Bowood. FFS constitutes Sparks and the band Franz Ferdinand amalgamated into one whole.

One year ago:

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