
By MarkR

When the two of us became three of us

The biggest day of our lives . Today Harriet joined our world.

She's an absolute bundle of joy and has been by far the quietest on the ward (the calm before the storm we suspect..!). Gem was utterly brilliant throughout including an 'impressive spectacle' in th delivery unit in which she threw up about three feet in front of her and covered my trainers (it could have been a lot worse, but was prevented by my speedy reactions)!

The birth process was a bit complicated. Gem was induced yesterday due to possible risks from obstetric cholestasis in late pregnancy. Sudden & big contractions meant Hattie could have come within an hour or so of waters breaking (which came from nowhere). I flew back to the hospital from home in record time at about 12:45. Even the M11 behaved itself! Gas and air was ditched as they weren't bloody strong enough, we pushed on with an epidural but Hattie wanted to come out with her head to the side so she was stuck. A quick nip down to theatre, more (big) drugs for Gem and they attempted to turn her head to allow her to get on her way but they couldn't manage it. C-section it was and Hattie arrived into our world at 08:03. Gem was only cut for the first time at 08:00!!!

Draining, emotional, overwhelming and everything else you'd probably expect.

Gem was an absoulte star. I however was a mess when we got down to theatre but scrubbed up and blubbed my way through it. Who'd have known you can sneak in a DSLR into theatre by the way. I nipped back to Saffron Walden this afternoon for some quick shut eye whilst the girls slept.

Jacqui and Karl were our first visitors this evening followed by a few calls and some FaceTime with my blubbering and champagne drinking mother.

The girls may get out tomorrow but we'll wait and see.

I guarantee that other than then odd exception no other post here will ever be as wordy as this. But lots to try and get down so we can look back and smile in the future.

Today's picture is Hattie an hour or so after we came back from theatre via my iPhone 5am camera. I'll try and use my SLR in future but you can't knock a smartphone for a quick snap.

I'm going to try and take a picture a year so we can look back on our little family.

Daddy out.

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