Walking past the piper's money churn

Buskers and pipers in the street use lots of different containers to collect their money. Some of them use their hats, some of them use their instruments' cases, some of them use boxes... but this piper used... a milk churn! I think he was a tad optimistic! :)

A mostly dry day which finished with a bit of sunshine. Still a bit too cold though. Work was busy although much quieter than yesterday.

After work I joined my working colleagues for a drink as it was one of the guides' leaving do. As a gift, one of the girls that used to work as a tour guide with us gave him a Glencairn glass made with the pages of an old book. If you want to see her artwork, look at the extra photo!

I didn't stay long because I was feeling tired and had lots of stuff to do at home.

Thanks very much for having a look at my journal and leaving comments and stars. I do really appreciate it! And sorry it's taking me a bit long to get back to you but I'm a bit busy at the moment.

I hope you all had a good Sunday! :)

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