Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

finding colour on a grey day

A check of the livestock on the farm where we manage the livestock and a run on the beach for the dogs. Try as I might I struggle to take any landscape photos without a dog getting in on the action, especially if I have to crouch to take the photo! That must mean I want to speak to them! So here we have Dris photo bombing my photo. Best in large with the dark background.

Husband and I had planned to get on with our tup(ram) and wedder(castrated male sheep) clipping today but we awoke to a very still extremely midgie day and clipping with midgies makes for a very miserable time so we decided against it! We have been getting things ready instead and have tidied up the shed. Dris met another gsp today which was nice we don't see many round here!

14c 3mph S overcast and spitting this afternoon.

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