Kallio Church

Too early bird sat today into the taxi at 5.30 with friendly ADHD-driver to catch the 6.04 train to Helsinki for the first meeting at 8sharp.

Met & hugged the collaque who introduced Blipfoto to me - thanks Hartza (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4773946)!

As one of the main important collaques in the meetings was sick, we ended the day more than an hour earlier - so I decided to take a local bus around the city centre to look around before I got to the train again.

On my short sightseeing tour I saw this pile of rocks and decided to visit there.

May I introduce: the Kallio Church.
One capture indoors in additional shots. Beautiful peaceful place. Very original aquistics indoors, many concerts are held here. The Kallio Church was designed by Lars Sonck and represents National Romanticism with Art Nouveau influences.


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