Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Green Thingy

I spent much of the morning having my CDSA (Career Development Staff Appraisal), by telephone with my Regional Manager who was in Manchester; it was raining, which I understand often the case. Then I completed the form with my objectives for the next two years as well as submitting my own development plan. It seems that I am doing a good job, which is always nice to know.
After lunch, which we ate on the balcony as it was quite warm although a little windy, my husband and I walked around the garden to see whether the grass seed, sowed five days ago was growing. There is not much sign of any of it growing, which is not surprising considering the number of pigeons and magpies, which seem to think it has been put there for their benefit. Two Reeves Muntjac were wandering around it yesterday evening and during the early hours of this morning the security lights were tripped, on investigation, one Fallow deer was wandering about.

Whilst walking around the garden I saw this ‘green thingy’ so that is my picture for today.

Update: This has been identified on iSpot as a Speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima). This must be a Juvenile as the adults do not appear until mid-August.

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