Jagged Corners

When I chose “corner" for this challenge, I had visions of going downtown to the East Building of the National Gallery of Art (designed by I.M.Pei) and getting some shots of its very famous corners, however I totally forgot that my husband was scheduled for a colonoscopy today, and I was to be the designated driver.  

Once I realized there was no National Gallery in the cards,  I thought I would get shots of one of the many corners on the hospital campus where he was having his procedure.  This is the same hospital that I worked at for 35 years and retired from last August.  It was my first time back, and so I spent quite a bit of the waiting time visiting with some of my former colleagues. It was very pleasant but it cut into my photography time considerably.  As it turns out, the outside of the hospital is totally surrounded by construction, so there were no shots to be had there. Instead, I went into the courtyard where I knew there were some structures that would provide me with corners.  I found these ground level skylights for some lower levels and I took this from a "dbifulco squat"  position.  So glad I can do that, and still get up.  This was taken with my 12 mm fisheye lens. 

One has to wonder what could possibly have damaged the corners of these skylights.  

Thanks to all of you who are joining in for today’s wide angle challenge. There are some very interesting shots being posted. Be sure to check them out  HERE.  


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