The Long Walk

The Cygnet was still asleep when we arrived this morning.
By the time he eventually woke up he had probably had about 3 hours longer in bed than usual ...... but he had been awake a few times during the night seemingly.

He was as bright as a button but when I took him downstairs he threw up.

Obviously he still isn't right.

But he had breakfast and finished every bit.

His Mum came home after an hour or two at work and between us we tried to entertain him but he didn't really know what he wanted.

So I took him out for a short walk - which turned into a long walk (with one of the Maurice Brothers of course).
It took him a long time but he didn't want carried at all so that was good.

When SWMBO and I left he had been put up for a snooze but was howling .... without moving out of bed.

Poor soul.

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