
I've been trying to capture all the beautiful flowers around the nursery in an attempt to catalogue the biodiversity of our school grounds.

I wish I had started this 5 years ago so I could truly see how far we have come in improving the natural environment. There's so much to see it really takes me by surprise whenever I go out with my camera.

These gorgeous big poppies grow at the front door but when I tried to blip them last year it was a sunny day and they were just a big overwhelmingly orangey red blob on the screen. Today's dull weather was actually more conducive to capturing their real colour and also the brightness they bring to even the greyest of days.

Hoping for a little more sunshine than this tomorrow for our nursery fun day, we just need the wether fairies to be kind to us for 2 hours, so fingers crossed. I got home quite late as we were busy setting up (what a team of dedicated staff and parents were there til half 5, unbelievable!) so I tried to treat the kids to a fish supper on Lunderston Bay for tea as Carlos is out. Unfortunately the midges seemed to have ordered people suppers for their tea and it was unbearable so we had a traditional Scottish picnic - in the car.

Wee glass of vino before an early night so we can get up early for tomorrow. Fun day always does what it says on the tin, its so nice to see everyone relax and have fun whilst, hopefully, raising lots of money for the children.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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