
My name is Cabbagetree and I’m a Blipoholic. It is 14 days since my last blip. In the time I have saved through not blipping I have made a start on the many things that have been neglected in the last six years. Such as cleaning windows, washing the kitchen wall, cleaning the bathroom, tidying cupboards, making a decent walkway through the laundry to the back door, digging in the rest of last season’s bokashi and establishing a new batch, moving the big heap of chainsaw dust to one side to make more room for my car, and many similar chores. I have also sawn and chopped a mountain of firewood, read a book and taken a lot of photos.

I apologise to my good friends who have been concerned about me, but the only way for me was to go cold turkey. Now that I am pleasantly snowed in (see above, from my kitchen window) I will try to fill in the gaps, but I won’t be doing much commenting. Please don’t feel you need to comment on mine.

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