Texann Times

By Texann

Window Pain

The windscreen/windshield of my trusty 12-year-old car finally succumbed to a combination of Houston road debris and extreme heat.  When Aliscotia, Longshadow and I got back to the car after doing some shopping last week, a long crack had appeared right across the driver’s sight line.  Over the years, it has survived being hit several times by things flying up from the freeway, but an extra bash and this summer’s mid-90ºF/30ºC temperatures finally put paid to it. 

Today was the earliest that the repair company could come out to fix it, and not a moment too soon.  When I was out this morning, I found a small chip of glass sitting waiting for me on the driver’s seat.  Couldn’t see where it had come from but clearly a sign that my windscreen was not long for this world.   What's nice is that this company comes to your house to replace the glass so you don't have to drive it as soon as it's done and you can wait in the house while it's being repaired.  So all in all, apart from the cost, not really the pain I made out in the title.  (Needless to say, the cost of a new windscreen is just under the amount of my insurance deductible.) 

My photo originally included Ray, the nice mobile technician, but since I’m not good at asking if I can take people's photos and he’d stood back so as not to be in it, I felt I should crop him out.  So here’s my wee car (and before anyone comments, that is clearly a term of endearment rather than a reflection of size) glass-less, as Ray gives it a well-needed facelift.  

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