More Park - first shot with the new camera phone

Took delivery of an iPhone 6 today. Didn't really know if this was the phone I wanted to get but the two year contract was up and I was offered a deal for the 6 which I thought was good. Looking forward to seeing if the camera on the new phone is any better than on the 5.

A lovely summer's day today, warm but pleasantly so. Smartened up the ground around the pond this morning, moving big rocks into their final positions, researched fence panels to hide the compost bins and then went to the allotment.

Huge number of strawberries to be picked - nearly 4kg - and broadbeans but there seems to be something wrong with the potatoes. The earlies appear OK, green and vigorous but the other rows have flopped over. I thought it may be due to the lack of water so gave them a good soaking. We'll see if that makes any difference - they were all looking so good only a few days ago.

Making strawberry jam tomorrow.

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