Red Flash

By RedFlash


I worked from home today so Mr Flash and our visitor went to Bovington, Dorset - a tank museum.

Since coming home all they have done is talk about tanks like two small, excited boys. I'm really pleased that they enjoyed themselves but it is quite amazing how many times they can get tanks into every conversation - if they keep doing this I am going to SCREAM.

I now know why I don't work from home very often:

1. As usual I stayed in bed too long and started working in my pyjamas. Once I start working I don't like to stop. I eventually got dress in the afternoon.

2. Master Flash doesn't understand the concept of "working from home" so he usually walks into the room and talks to me loudly when I am on a teleconference.

3. Milo has a very squeaky bark and I he didn't understand the request to be quiet when I was on a call either.

4. I forget to stop working

As the wind was destroying the flowers in my garden today I rescued one of them and blipped it.

PS It is sideways and a reflection (the head of the rose hung down)

PPS Milo made it to the Spotlight - thank you

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