Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Last year my cousin’s husband killed himself after suffering from depression.  Foolishly I said and thought couldn’t understand how he couldn’t speak to any of his friends and tell them about his problems and hope that someone could have helped him.  Little did I know what I would go through this year, and now I can understand.  People get uncomfortable when you talk about mental health, they don’t want you to talk about your problems.  You feel like you’re hemmed in, the weight of the world is on your shoulders and there’s just no way out.  People you've trusted and thought were friends, just let you down.  Don’t worry I’m not going to kill myself; I don’t have enough strength for that.
Today’s blip is another of the Great Western train stations, this time Reading which has gone through a big redevelopment.
Monday - Dark Clouds
Tuesday - Lift

Wednesday - Hold my Hand

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