A Bee and His Shadow

Dear Diary,

I chased bees around the garden yesterday.  Now that the cat mint is blooming they are in a feeding frenzy.  I particularly liked this one which shows his shadow.

I also hunted around for Sebastian.  I found him sunning himself by the rock wall.  I've added two shots of him.  He is an Eastern Garter snake with very beautiful markings.  He is nearly 2 feet long so he makes an impressive slither when he moves.

I also added a photo of me being a bee and pollinating the tomato flowers!  When you grow veggies in a green house you can never be sure of getting pollinators so its hands  brush on for me!  Seems to be working since I see a number of tiny green tomatoes.

Off to Boston today but first a visit to Mayflower II in Plymouth which I didn't get to see in May when I visited the Plantation.  We leave for the beautiful island of Nantucket Saturday morning.

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