Backstone Beck

I've been left speechless by your response to yesterday's The Calm before the Storm. It looks set to become one of my most favourited blips. A huge thank you to everyone who honoured me with stars and hearts and such lovely comments. There were quite a few names I didn't recognise even. I really hope to be able to catch up with as many of you as possible soon, but it won't be for a few days yet. I hope you'll forgive me ... again.

I have an important visitor arriving late tonight. It was touch and go whether she would be coming. Circumstance has continually conspired to try to thwart our trysts and all seemed lost last night, but we have enjoyed an intervention of a favourable kind today. The lady in question has touched down and is eastward bound to Yorkshire as I post this blip. Trouble is that I'm now seeing the house (lived in by three boys) with fresh eyes this evening. There is a little more tidying-up to be done. I might be running out of time, though, to get the duster out! Wish me luck!

It's pretty much rained all day again. There's a lot of water flowing off the moor.

Have a lovely weekend folks, and thanks again for your fantastic support of my journal this last few days. You're simply the greatest.

PS I'm really impressed with the image stabilisation on this camera. This was hand held at 1/6 sec in a strong wind!

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