
By pensionspoet

New Friends!!

That was quick work, I've no doubt some of you are thinking!

Today was pleasant. I really am enjoying my job, learning something new has been good for me. It is also good to be reminded of those more mundane tasks which I have always taken for granted will be done by 'someone' - an office junior usually! Well now I am that 'someone' and those tasks make up a small proportion of my day. So the office inbox, the answer phone messages, the post I am now equipped to deal with. It's good to have variety in my day! It's certainly less stressful than managing a backlog of 11,000 unprocessed benefits. So I'm thankful!

I had a lovely walk at lunchtime without falling over! I went back to Elm Hill. If there is anyone living in those houses, they may start to wonder about me! Like I'm casing a joint maybe! But it is a fascinating area, and the history in just this small patch of Norwich, and the number of churches in close proximity is quite amazing.

At the end of our working day, I joined some work colleagues for a meal at an Indian restaurant to the north of Norwich.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say the meal wasn't the best we have ever had, but for me it was an opportunity to get to know a few of my colleagues. It was nice to have an evening with other humans, instead of just the TV and my blip for company! I really enjoyed it :-)

I was home to be greeted by Mollie and Henry. Mollie & Jon arrived at 6ish with a trailer load of stuff. Jon then set out to a scout meeting in Norwich and I am expecting him back soon.

Have been trying hard to tidy a bit before he arrives. I think it's looking better & now I am going to put the kettle on. And no joke....I've just heard his car on the gravel outside :-))))

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