Life Is Full Of Pictures

By ChrisJordan

Movin' Up!

Movin' up today from the Canon XSi to a brand new Nikon D7000! Hoorah!!

Why did I get a new camera? Because I've been wanting one for awhile now and my Birthday is a week from today. Please forget I said that since I don't want any attention because of it.

Today after my trip to the dentist this morning (2 more crowns), my wife and I went to lunch and then to Best Buy to look at cameras. A very nice guy named James helped us compare the various Canon and Nikon models they had on display at the store. I was contemplating getting the Canon 7D like my friend Kathee, but after holding the D7000 and looking at the features/price I opted for the Nikon. I also got a new 55-300mm lens as part of the bundle and it was still less expensive than the competition's camera alone. (Sorry Kathee)

So, now I have to read the manual as you see I have already started to do, to figure out all the controls for my new camera. I am rejuvenated in my blip quest for the perfect picture. Stay tuned for images from the new Nikon D7000.

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