Don't Give Food to the Devil

You know the game, Telephone? Where you whisper a sentence from one person to another until it goes around the circle and turns into a funny sentence because of misunderstandings....

Well, we played a version of it, but with drawing and writing sentences. We each started with a sentence then had to draw a picture of it, the next person would only look at our picture and had to write a sentence. We continued drawing and writing until the papers when all the way around the group. After a lot of serious writing and drawing (and some translation of confusing words), we ended up with a lot of laughter.

In the end, these are some of the sentences we got (their final version and then the original phrase):
A baby and a bubble and a mountain range = Getting a sun tan
A person without fingers = She dropped the ball.
A lady pushing a mountain = Hiking a mountain
A girl sitting on a wheelchair talking to a fish = Drinking hot coffee
Say goodbye to the world = Moving up in the world

And my personal favorite...
Don't feed the devil = Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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