First Frost

I love that we're half way through winter and we've just had our first frost. I also love that a little frosty toadstool is a thing of awe, when in NZ it's just a common sight. 

Poorly Mr Barking has taken off to NZ today for a week's work. He's back on Friday and then I head to NZ for a week's fun! We're hoping that by the time he and the girls follow me later on in the week, we'll all be fighting fit.

Little Miss is going to her mum's for a few days as I have to go to work and she's too sick to go to school.

It's all go, go, go here. I am slowly getting better if I don't overdo the breathing or exercise. Back to work tomorrow.

Cousteau is missing his beloved Mr B (we all are, if I'm honest!), but is having to put up with just us girls. He'll survive!


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