Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Purple flower

Father's Day today, the day we celebrate our love for our daddy's.

My two children sent cards and our son gave hubby a pressie, our daughter will be giving her dad his pressie next weekend. We also gave dad/grandad cards to pa-in-law and we (me, hubby, son and pa-in-law) went out for a midday beefeater meal (two birds with one stone, celebrate Father's Day and I don't have to cook - result!) (I'm sure pa-in-law will make some comment about the meat being tough, but that's nothing to do with him not having his teeth in of course.)

It is also time when I wish my dad was still alive - it's been nearly 15 years without him being on earth, I still love him, still miss his wise words, happy face, cuddles and unconditional love he gave to the whole family. I have the faith that one day we will meet again and I believe that he is watching over us.

(Now I have to tackle the ironing ....!)


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