
By Madchickenwoman

Litha -Summer Solstice

What a glorious Summer Solstice! I do believe it has been the longest day as I was up at 4.30! That's what you get for going to bed early! However it was a bit too early and I stubbed my big toe on the bed leg and went staggering across the bedroom in the greatest of pain - managed not to fall and not to knock myself out on the chest of drawers where i juddered to a halt! Smothered my big toe in Arnica cream and had a George Clooney to steady my nerves?! Did some blip browsing then back to bed at 7.30 to 10.45!!
Once up once more walked Lucy and saw Friend who was still determined to go to Cotehele to see the water lilies with me. So 2 ish we set off, she happily sat on the bench in the shade - yes we had sun! - whilst I lay on the grass and took photos of the water lilies to my hearts content! They can be seen here! * We then met The Gardener friend who works part time in the shop and looks after the plant sales, and went for lunch? afternoon tea? a snack? Beautiful birds settled near us and we had a good talk, there were tears, from her, but it was good she was letting out her fears and worries, and we made plans and a list of things to ask the Dr wed - when I also have my dental consultation - oh what fun we both have something to look forward to! After eating we went to the Art Gallery - I bought a knitted poncho in Wow Fuschia ( their description!) and a black velvet short shoulder cape I had seen at christmas - so not an impulse buy! The Belle Etoile  Mock orange ( Philadelphus)was - but I have been looking for this variety for many years - already have a variegated and a dwarf Manteau d'Hermine' - their honeyed scent is perhaps the most delicious of all the scented plants.
Once home I processed and chose my blip and then it was allotment time! So many strawberries! I only did 2 rows in one bed and I have 3 more rows there and 3 more beds to pick! Think I need to start a Pick Your Own amongst my friends! I fed the chickens and tidied their  plot and then finally I lit a fire - it is after all the Fire Festival of Litha - and it is said that in Cornwall up to the mid 18th century the number and appearance of fires seen from any given point was used as a form of divination and used to read the future. It is said to strengthen the sun and as well as being  used to drive out evil and to bring fertility and prosperity to men, crops and herds. Well my allotment and my chickens could do with some of that! Took me a while to get it going but finally, after many matches it caught and I left it happily burning into the solstice night. 
* just discovered on looking up the meaning of water lilies that in fact this is a Lotus!!! The differences can be seen here. It has symbolism for 3 religions - for the Egyptians "the lotus came to symbolize the Sun and the creation. In many hieroglyphics works the lotus is depicted as emerging from Nun (the primordial water) bearing the Sun God." So even more apt for the solstice!! I do love serendipity/synchronicity!!!

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