False Hope

Talk of being lulled into a false sense of security. I had to wait in for a phone consultation with my Dr about my bone density results. At first I had been alarmed the day after having it when I received a letter - but realised it was to make a non-urgent appointment. Several days later I got another letter saying make a phone consultation appointment - all the better I thought! So today I had it and oh dear - I have osteoporosis. Damn the early menopause! I'm only 53 and surely that's way to young for it to have reached that point, especially since I have been on HRT for years which apparently is the best thing for it. Then again maybe it would have been much worse if I hadn't! Maybe it would have been much better if I had taken the calcium and Vit D tablets I was prescribed a few years ago! 
So thursday another blood test and then to discuss my options. There is a pill to take to "cement" the calcium supplement - but I hear it can be nasty and my mum didn't like them. Plus I would have to inform my dentist as it can make the jaw bone decay!!! As if I want or need anymore dental problems and stress! Found an interesting article that says DON'T take them! It also states how stress and the production of Cortisol can increase the damage to bones - well "Duh!" loads of stress in the years before I retired both professionally and personally. 
I think the blood test is to check the calcium in my blood and Parathyroid function as BlackTulip suggested they do. So I intend to gather all information and proceed accordingly - but if I can manage a lifestyle change I prefer it to drugs. Plus I have never broken a bone yet - touch wood! So alkaline and high calcium diet plus exercise - I hate exercise and consider working on my allotment is exercise enough! But walking and dancing is good and I like both  those! It's not as if I had a sedentary job either - major manual handling and trampolining and on my feet all day! Oh and coffee is not good - damnation! I'm sorry but a life without my George Clooney is unimaginable! Rather a life enjoyed than spent in denial of what I like - but I will try moderation! 
So after this phone call I was decidedly not in the right frame of mind  and I didn't go to the allotment as planned! I felt achy and tired and could not understand why as I had spent yesterday doing the refugee photos ....oh yes and 3 hours in the rain on the allotment! That reassured me so I had some lunch, did some photos and may have even gone to bed for a few hours nap! There is nothing more delicious about retirement than being able to go for a sleep in the afternoon in ones bed! Absolutely heavenly feeling of freedom! But does it count as a weight bearing exercise?!!!
P.S. Why do Dr's have charts and percentages indicating severity and then fail to tell you where you fall ( no pun intended!) when you ask when the results are in.They treat you like children and that "it's not important or relevant" - then why bloody have them!!! I am so going to be that Dr's worst nightmare!! :-)

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