
By DWBham

Full Pune Experience

Funny story. I saw this road sign when I was taking a rickshaw to a "store" run out of a woman's house about 3 miles from here. As a few other vendors do, this woman stands outside the Institute and gives out her cards to all the yoga students. The driver had a hard time finding the neighborhood, first of all, and then the street, and then the house number. C-19. When he finally stopped in front of a house, I asked, "Are you sure? You won't just leave me here, right?" He said no, no, he'd wait. As soon as I got out he drove away! I was at the wrong house. Lucky for me, the woman who answered the door pointed me in the right direction.

I bought a few items and asked if they could help me get a rickshaw back to the Institute area. After a lot of back and forth between the three generations living in the house, I was offered a ride back with the grandson. On a motorbike. In Pune traffic.

I was asked later, "Did you sit side saddle or astride?" Older women sit side saddle, with sari and scarf flowing dangerously. I sat the western way and held on for dear life. 

Otherwise, I'm completely sane. Today I had some ideas for my July 18 workshop. I'm looking forward to that.

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