Bents Lane Cottages

Wow what a day yesterday, good trip out to the Dales and Ribblehead followed up by lots of lovely comments, stars and faves for my 2000th Blip, thank you to everyone, will finish replying this evening.  Then I was just about to go to bed, last check of FB to discover a message from Christine who had just seen my blip on the Look North weather forecast!  
After a busy fun weekend it was back on the bike early doors to work.  I was pedalling slowly up Bents Lane keeping my eyes peeled for the hares.  I spotted one basking in the sunshine but he was off before I could sort my camera, so instead I give you a view from Bents Lane I haven't blipped before, because I'm usually puffing and panting up this short but deceptively steep hill on the way to work or zooming down with feet off the pedals on my way home.  These are very pretty cottages about two thirds of the way along the lane.

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