Between showers and dizzy spells

Monday was very Mondayish and not a great day at all.

First the dizzies were out to get me and then failing technology has made it already seem like a very long Monday indeed.

Before I'd even left for work someone had tried to hack my Paypal account, on arrival at work, my dad, even though I was there yesterday and decidedly brighter than I was today, had saved me an e-mail he'd received with seemingly impossible to open photo files. It took me until almost lunchtime to find a solution but it's a good job I've long since expected a word of thanks! 

When I finally got home the laptop refused to play ball but with the help of a youtube video on my phone I've recovered it without having a total meltdown.

Note to self; you bought the external hard-drive as a back-up in case of these occurrences, use it regularly!

At least Stella's been a happy darling girl today to balance things out :) 

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