A field of fallen dreams.

We went to Ikea,  in Cardiff this morning, to look for a table and chair for the hobbies room yawn    On the way out, we had a hot dog, which tasted like rubber, and which I now regret eating, but the tea was good. On the way home, we passed this beautiful field of poppies, near the Old Post, which is a pub/restaurant on the A48. They looked so beautiful, blowing in the in wind. I can never look at poppies, without thinking of the remembrance service, and what each petal signifies.  
Back home now, and today does feel a bit warmer, thank goodness. My g/daughter did her last two A/level exams today. She had IT for three hours this morning, and after lunch a Welsh exam. She wasn't allowed to take  her  phone to school ,and they had to be in isolation, between the  two  exams. Her school days are now over, and I am sure she will be so relieved, that all the hard work is now over for a few months. She has put a lot of time into preparing for these exams, as well as her  weekend job, so she deserves to do well. It will be very tense, when the results are due in August. 

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