New Kicks

My grandson, Nicholas, was begging for these new skateboarding sneakers that some of his friends have.  My son took him over to the store but they didn't have his size.  He actually tried to convince his father that a size that was way too big for him, fit. 
Grammie to the rescue.  I went online to Amazon and looked up the name of the sneaker.  Found the color he wanted, found the correct size for him and two days later (today) they arrived.  He new they were coming today so he jumped every time the doorbell rung but half the time it was just the contractors.  Finally the UPS guy showed up and he was one happy kid. 
Today was oppressively hot and humid.  You felt sick going outside.  Like it was hard to breathe.  We had storms by late afternoon which lowered the temperature quite a bit.  My air conditioning was struggling to keep up with the heat so I was relieved to know that by the time I go to bed it will be nice and cool. 

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