Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Yee ha daddy!

Still no crawling! Well he's pushing himself backwards but I don't think that really counts.

I ended up staying in last night because I felt so rubbish - despite paracetamol, ibuprofen and local anaesthetic spray. My tongue was burning, and today I've got lots of little blisters on the end of it. I think it might be hand foot and mouth disease, Henry had something similar last week and it's been going around the nursery. No wonder he was dribbly and not wanting to eat much other than yogurt and icecream, it's so sore!

We went out briefly to a sling meet picnic, it was nice to see everyone but it was cold and I wasn't really in the mood for small talk about the merits of cloth nappies. I was given a mini aloe vera plant by one of the mum's though, apparently hers randomly gave birth to lots of little plants so she had potted them up and was giving them out.

Today's blip is Henry playing horsey with Neil - lots of smiles and giggles today.

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