Yellow Room

Into that queue for the book festival at 8:30am - #1912 or thereabouts. By the time I got to the front, Gordy Brown and Nick Robinson had both sold out. Still, got tickets for Alan Johnson, that old second rater.
A good day at work; I'm clearly getting attuned to deciphering the boss man's wishes from his bizarre and impenetrable soundbites. Keep it simple; whatever is doable, just do it. See, I can translate.
Home to put things in order. And catch the Fall of Labour which was shown on BBC Scotland on Monday.
Ach, the winds of change; and there was little about the loss of left wing ideology over the period - just a mass of supposed tactical mistakes; some of which were indeed bloopers.
And too easily now to cast Labour 97-2010 as a disaster; it wasn't.
Here's summat I picked up from the front page of Sunday's Observer. I'll shut up now (like hell I will).

Child poverty fell from 3.4 million in 1998-99 to 2.3 million in 2010-11 – a reduction unparalleled in other wealthy nations over the same period.

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